Corporate Governance Principles

1. The Bank adopts specific context of corporate governance with a view to protecting the company's interests, enhance long term economic value and promote the interests of its Shareholders.
2. The Human Bank ensures equal treatment of shareholders, including minority shareholders, and the shareholders residing abroad. It also ensures that the competent bodies of the faithful observance of the capital market provisions. In this context, ensure transparency in financial reporting, providing and updating of investors and shareholders in order to exercise by them of the right to participate in General Meetings, vote on them, and exercise of minority rights by the subject of statutory.
3. The Bank has the administrative mechanisms to control that members of the Board and any third party vested with responsibilities, make every diligence in carrying out their duties in a manner that promotes corporate interests and keep the task faith. The editing is based and Membership of the Board or, in case of delegating powers, based on the delegation of powers and duties conferred. The obligation on the part of the Member or the person to whom powers have been conferred is fulfilled if it has paid the diligence of a prudent businessman, as specified by law.
4. The Directors collectively have the duty and responsibility against the Bank, to ensure that the annual accounts, the annual report, including the corporate governance statement are drawn up and published in accordance with the applicable provisions.
5. The Bank has adopted policies and procedures with which checks that the Board members, as well as any third party vested with powers not pursue personal interests against the interests of the Bank and do not exercise, professional or not, activities competitive to those of the Bank. It also has appropriate mechanisms to the Board members and any third party to whom they have delegated responsibilities to timely disclose to the other Members of the Board of Directors their own interests, which arise from transactions the Bank falling within their duties and all other resulting conflict of interests with those of the Bank in the exercise of their duties.
6.The Bank controls by procedures, and the Regulation of Operation:
+ Monitoring of liable persons, as defined in the case law (Members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies, employed persons, connected persons, etc.) in relation to privileged information held and transactions on shares of Bank or other affiliated financial instruments,
+ Monitoring of any other economic activities carried out in the case of liable persons (particularly managers), where related to the Bank's activities.
7.The Bank takes into account that a significant percentage of shares of its capital may be held "remote" Shareholders (non-residents) and that the shareholders should be able to exercise their rights in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders as easily as shareholders who reside in Greece. For this ensure the application of the relevant executives of the requirements of the law as to inform the shareholders and their access to the information provided before the General Assembly. This takes into account that, regardless of their place of residence, the Shareholders must have sufficient time to consider the documents to be submitted to the General Assembly and to decide how to vote. In this context, the Bank shall ensure that public promptly, according to law, the invitation for convening the General Meeting and Shareholders receive all the information about the issues to be submitted to the General Assembly.
8.To support the active involvement of the Bank's Shareholders General Meetings and the existence of substantial interest as to issues relating to the operation of the Bank is developing processes active communication with its shareholders and creates conditions for the policy and strategy adopted to based on constructive discussions with its shareholders, in particular the holding significant interests in the share capital.
9.Taking into account the obligations on incorporation in annual report of the Board's statement of corporate governance under the provisions of law, the Bank shall by administrative mechanisms for completeness, clarity and accuracy of the information contained in each statement and made public to ensure transparency and inform the shareholders as to the operation of the Bank and the corporate governance system under which it is.

Η παρούσα ιστοσελίδα έχει αποκλειστικά και μόνο ενημερωτικό χαρακτήρα και θα εξειδικεύσει τα χαρακτηριστικά της όταν κι εφόσον ο αναφερόμενος φορέας λάβει τη νόμιμα προβλεπόμενη άδεια εκ της αρμοδίας Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος και τονίζεται ότι έως τότε ουδεμία χρηματοπιστωτική πράξη δύναται να συμβεί παρά μόνο όταν κι εφόσον ο φορέας αποκτήσει τη νομική του προσωπικότητα και προβεί σε όλες τις δημόσιες διατυπώσεις. | This website is purely informative and will specify its characteristics when and as long as the reporting entity receives the legally authorized license from the competent Bank of Greece and it is emphasized that until then no financial transaction can occur until the financial institution Acquire its legal personality and carry out all public formalities.